Monday, October 10, 2011

skin color crayon strategy

My students have been doing a lot of people drawing lately and I've been repeating my instructions for how to choose an appropriate crayon for the skin color. 
I made a poster of my steps since all of the grades are following the same strategy- thought I'd share it!


  1. I like this - EXCEPT - I'd have them hold the samples by the arm of the person they are drawing, not their own arm! We have children with many different skin tones, and it might not be the same as the color of the person doing the drawing. Otherwise, great idea. Might work for hair color, too?!

  2. Yes I agree, and that is what we do. I should have clarified we've been doing self-portraits. We have many many skin tones as well in my classes which I emphasize the color testing so much.

  3. I am always amazed at the unpredictable conversations that arise at tables as we do this, too.

  4. This came in very helpful the other day when I was doing an assignment with a class.. It was fun too during a demo to show a white art stick, a black art sticks and a brown one and ask students if any of them were "actually " those colors..

  5. I am so glad to hear this was of use for another art educator- Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Also something funny, when it comes down to when you're more limited with construction paper "multi-cultural pack". Students that are for lack of a better word, very light skinned, pick the darkest richest chocolate color of all, and vise versa. These weren't necessarily self-portraits so I let the kids pick the color they wanted.
