Thursday, February 21, 2013

Growing Day By Day - MFA Boston

This week (my school vacation week btw, I'm so exhausted)- I am the visiting artist at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston!
I am facilitating a week long collaborative sculpture installation called "Growing Day by Day" bridging Ellsworth Kelley's painting with Louise Nevelson's work which is directly across from it in the contemporary gallery. 

We will have had around 1000 participants by the end of the week. 
Each group that comes in gets a goody bag of monochromatic materials and constructs a sculpture to be added to the installation.

The MFA Boston's facebook page is posting the progress. 

I will do a round up of how this lesson came to be, the prep involved, and how it works at the end of the week. However if you live in Boston come on by! (and say Hi!). I will be there today and tomorrow as we continue to make this huge installation grow.
A sneak peek:

It has been getting amazing feedback! I'm so proud!


  1. What a great idea!! Wish I lived close enough to come and see it all in action!

  2. How totally fabulous! My son is in Boston but he's so busy he probably couldn't get there (working 2 jobs). Congrats to you as visiting artist! Going back to school will probably seem like a vacation after this!

  3. Fabulous! Great work. I never would have thought of combining the two artists into a single project, much less an installation. You are so creative.

  4. Congratulations.we follow from spain , your work its great.this proyect inspired us to create a comunity art proyect .we padticipate in an scolar art bienal proyect with a proyect called "momentos anudados".mothers, children, teachers...all scolar comunity in a big art canhave more information here.!!!saludos desde EspaƱa!!!
